Derivative Insights & Innovations from Numerix

Derivative  Insights & Innovations Newsletter from Numerix
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Vol II, Issue 6 June 2014
In This Month's Issue
XVAs Feature
FVA Master   Class Video SeriesVirtual Seminar | FVA Master Class Video Series
Learn more about the fundamentals of FVA theory and dynamics, gain insight on the Numerix-proposed approach to FVA for general instruments, and explore the relationship between OIS & FVA—including putting the two into the context of the larger xVA ecosystem. Our latest complimentary, on-demand Video Seminar Series features two video presentations that can be watched at your convenience as individual presentations, or at once as a half-day seminar.
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Article | "American Monte Carlo: Simulation Technology for Accuracy & Performance"
This article, as recently published in Global Capital magazine and written by Mohit Agarwal, Director of Financial Validation Engineering for Numerix, explores how the Basel III framework required for derivatives capitalization has forced a shift in current risk management practices. A range of capabilities are required to support internal model method (IMM) compliance—the most challenging component being a risk analytics engine capable of computing exposures for derivative portfolios. Read Article
Webinar | Integrating Risk Into Front Office Pre-Trade Analysis - Practical Ways of Bringing Credit, Liquidity, Funding and Regulatory Costs into an Integrated Profitability Framework
In addition to calculating the fair value, the transaction cost and the financing cost, banks must now account for a CVA charge, DVA adjustment, and FVA charge to truly capture the costs of conducting derivatives business. To survive and thrive in this new era of derivatives trading, banks are adopting increasingly global models for measuring costs and overall profitability. In addition to allowing better pricing, these methodologies support the creation of better profitability metrics and "risk-adjusted" personnel incentives.
View Webinar

Most Watched Videos
Leveraging Real-World and Risk Neutral ESG Solutions within Insurance

Reconsidering Risk-Models: VaR vs. Expected Shortfall

John Hull on the FVA Debate and Liquidity Risk in OTC Derivatives

Insurance and Risk Management – Big Data, Compute & Modeling

Using Cheapest-To-Deliver Collateral for Accurate OTC Derivatives Valuation

Most Read Blogs
Model Validation Feature
Video Blog - Pricing Model Validation – Regulation & Best PracticesVideo Blog | Pricing Model Validation – Regulation & Best Practices
Dr. David Eliezer, Vice President & Head of Model Validation at Numerix, discusses the increased importance of model validation, including the primary regulatory and market drivers impacting the resurgence of model validation. He explores a number of issues, including the importance of transparency and the five key components that comprise the validation process for derivatives. Model implementation and best practices to address fundamental model issues are also explored. Watch Now
Webinar | Model Validation Case Studies: Using Automated Model Tests to Improve Derivative Pricing Models
Since pricing models are mathematical models, they satisfy mathematical identities which can provide strong tests that leave very little possibility for error. These tests provide failure conditions that require no human judgment, that can be automated, and that can, therefore, run over tens of thousands of test scenarios. Significant advances in computing power such as the cloud and grid computing now make automated testing more accessible to market practitioners, making the testing inexpensive, rapid, and easy. This results in a faster time-to-market for validating models, and a stronger case can be made to regulators that models are not only thoroughly tested—but that the models are really, truly right. View Webinar
Research Paper | Model Validation: New Approaches in Testing Mathematical
and Financial Correctness of Models

As we have come to realize, the validation of derivative pricing models can be a slow, labor intensive and expensive exercise. Moreover, it often provides a limited amount of certainty on the correctness of the pricing models. In this research paper, David Eliezer, PhD, Vice President & Head of Model Validation at Numerix, explores new approaches practitioners can utilize to improve their model validation processes. Read Paper
Industry News and Insight
Video Blog - Leveraging Real-world and Risk Neutral ESG Solutions within InsuranceVideo Blog | Evolving Variable Annuity Landscape
In this video, Alex Marion, Vice President of Product Management at Numerix for Insurance, discusses the de-risking of insurance products and the state of the state within the variable annuity industry. The discussion focuses on the evolution of actuarial modeling, including the impact of hedge projection strategies and the role of predictive analytics. Watch Now
On-Demand Numerix Webinar | The Case for Dynamic Replication of Indexed Annuities
Insurers have traditionally managed the market risk exposure from Index Annuities through static hedging programs, purchasing structured hedges OTC. Sustained lower rates and increased competition have led insurers to look for more cost-effective means of providing this market exposure to their policyholders. Dynamic hedging is one promising avenue to reduced costs. This webinar explores different strategies for the dynamic hedging of Index Annuities. View Webinar
Industry News | Increased Cloud Adoption Would Save Hedge Funds Millions
A switch to cloud technology would provide badly needed computing power and significantly reduce technology costs for institutional investors. In fact, a new report from Greenwich Associates, Cloud Computing for the Buy Side: Moving Beyond the Myths, concludes that hedge funds could reduce computing costs related to portfolio analysis by 50% by switching to an enterprise cloud offering. Read Article
Industry News | Waters Sell-Side Technology Recognizes Numerix for Best Sell-Side Credit Risk Product
According to WatersTechnology, Numerix's handle on Basel III-mandated credit valuation adjustment (CVA) calculations and dynamic CVA hedging is well-established, and this year it finished up a refresh of its stack to include debt valuation adjustment (DVA) and funding valuation adjustment (FVA) calculations, with a newly reengineered 'XVA' framework for CrossAsset. Though neither DVA nor FVA is required of sell-side firms to the extent that CVA is under global regulation—yet—the analytics provider identified a growing need as major investment houses seek to more accurately measure the short- and long-term profit and loss (P&L) of individual trades over time on their own, especially for bespoke contracts and structured notes. Read Article
Numerix News | New South Wales Treasury Corporation (TCorp)
Learn how Numerix provided the New South Wales Treasury Corporation with a platform capable of managing the business logic for its debt portfolios comprised of bespoke instruments, improving the efficiency of its debt risk management programs. Learn More
Events and Webinars
June 19 | Numerix User Webinar | The New Numerix Customer Portal
For more information about Numerix webinars please visit

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